Pillsbury United Communities

Focus Area: Early Childhood

Grant Amount: $10,000

Located in Minneapolis. Established in 1879, PUC operates 4 neighborhood centers, including Pillsbury House in the Powderhorn neighborhood, which includes a childcare program (the oldest in Minneapolis) and a theater program. Pillsbury House operates in south Minneapolis only blocks from George Floyd Square. This area has experienced a great deal of upheaval and violence since the murder of George Floyd, as well as the ongoing challenges it has faced due to poverty and racism. Pillsbury House believes that the arts are an important antidote to trauma for the children and families it serves. All Pillsbury House employees, including the early learning teachers and teaching artists, receive trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) training.

Grant supports bringing resident teaching artists together with PUC’s childcare program to deliver weekly classes in multiple arts disciplines that enhance social/emotional, cognitive, and physical developmental miles as well as develop creative expression in children ages 16 months to 6 years. PUC is expanding the number of arts disciplines taught as well as the number of classes offered per week.