SAF has one grant deadline per year. Our next application deadline will be in January 2026.
The online application system will be open to receive proposals beginning December 15, 2025.
Determine Eligibility
Before submission, please review the frequently asked questions to verify whether your organization is eligible to apply for funding. You should also check what we fund to determine whether your program clearly and directly fits our guidelines.
Contact the Foundation
Before submitting a funding request, organizations must contact Foundation staff to discuss how a project fits with the Foundation’s guidelines. Foundation staff can provide technical assistance throughout the process and respond to questions about program ideas, the application review process, timeline, or budget items. Please call our office at 612-871-9210 or send an inquiry to info[@]sheltering-arms.org.
Review Application Questions
You can review the application questions before logging into the online grant system.
Submit Application
The Sheltering Arms Foundation uses an online application system. Review the online system tips before logging into the system.
When you are ready to submit a proposal, proceed to the start application section of the website.
Foundation Review Process
During the months of February and March the Grants Committee of the Board of Trustees and the Foundation’s staff review applications.
In April, staff and trustees may contact you to ask additional questions to clarify aspects of the funding request during the review process or request further information. A site visit may be requested of organizations; site visits do not constitute a grant commitment. Knowledgeable people in the field may be consulted for their confidential comments about a pending funding request.
Grant Awards
Those applications which demonstrate the greatest potential for carrying out the mission and funding priorities of the Foundation are recommended to the Board of Trustees at its annual May Board meeting where funds are allocated.
If a grant is awarded, grant payments begin the following July. Grant recipients are asked to sign a grant agreement which includes submission of a final project report describing their progress in meeting goals and expenditure of funds. At the completion of the grant period, all unexpended money must be refunded to the Foundation unless prior approval has been given to extend the grant period.