Who is eligible to apply?
Before submitting a funding request, please read the following list to ensure you are eligible to apply for a grant to the Sheltering Arms Foundation.
- IRS classification as a tax-exempt, non-profit organization that is not a private foundation.
- Located and provide services within the state of Minnesota.
- Focus on activities benefiting children ages 0-12 and their families who are most vulnerable.
- Request is for a new or ongoing program or program expansion but not general operating support
We do not fund:
- General operating support
- One-time events or overnight camps
- Capital requests or campaigns
- Individuals, fundraising events, or scholarships
- Public agencies or school districts.
Applicant organizations must be able to demonstrate that they are in compliance with all federal, state and local non-discrimination ordinances.
Will Sheltering Arms consider funding through a fiscal sponsor if a prospective grantee does not have legal nonprofit status?
Yes, we will accept fiscal sponsorship. Upon submission of the application you will receive a document that will need to be signed confirming the fiscal sponsor relationship and their responsibility of the grant application and its intended purposes.
Can we request more than one year of support?
Grants are awarded for one year, July – June. The Foundation will not fund the same program for more than three consecutive years. A new application must be submitted each year for which funding is requested.
What is the typical grant size?
The Foundation accepts grant requests up to $15,000 with an average grant award of $10,000. Please be aware that SAF receives up to 50% more applications than it is able to fund and many approved grant requests are not able to be funded at the full amount requested.
What is the geographic focus?
Grants are awarded to organizations located in or providing services throughout the State of Minnesota.