Focus Area: Early Childhood
Grant Amount: $8,000
Located in north Minneapolis. NAZ is a collaboration of organizations and schools partnering with families in north Minneapolis to prepare children to graduate from high school ready for college and to end multigenerational poverty. Each enrolled family moves through a cradle to career system that provides comprehensive support at each stage.
Grant supports NAZ’s early childhood program to do home visiting in partnership with the Family Partnership and Way to Grow, both key partners within the NAZ collaborative. Home visitors use the evidence-based curriculum “Parents As Teachers” as their primary curriculum for prenatal to 5 years. The home visitors answer questions, provide resources, and connect families with the tools they need to provide a healthy, stable environment at home. All the families involved are recruited and supported by NAZ. NAZ has been a highly successful effort for families in north Minneapolis because of the combination of incorporating local residents as staff to build trust with families.