Project Friendship

Focus Area: Youth Development

Grant Amount: $7,500

Located in Northfield. Originating in 1965, PF provides mentoring relationships with college students from St. Olaf and Carleton Colleges, serving children in 2nd-7th grade from the Northfield School District identified as needing a mentor. Half the children served are eligible for free or reduced lunch, and 15% are Latino or African American in a community where the total population is 3.8% Latino and .8% African American. Youth are matched with mentors from similar backgrounds or with similar interests, with a focus on building confidence, inspiring character, and creating connections.

Grant supports continuation of a new CARES (promoting Compassion, Awareness, Respect, Empowerment, and Support) team to help create a bridge to post-Covid functioning. A key focus of this effort is the emotional wellness of both mentees and mentors including additional trauma-informed training for mentors. The program enlists the aid of school social workers at the middle schools attended by many of the youth. Families will also be engaged through group activities.