Focus Area: Advocacy in Early Childhood
Grant Amount: $10,000
Based in St. Paul, serves statewide. Think Small is a leading early education organization that supports families in accessing quality care and education, helps to build quality within the field, and improves the early learning system. It operates the Small Talk series, educating community and professionals about early childhood policy issues.
Grant supports educating parents to increase the number of parents aware of Minnesota’s “7% solution” law, because when parents understand this law, they are more likely to advocate for the necessary investments to reach the goal. (This law’s goal is for no family would have to pay more than 7% of their income to access quality childcare.) Think Small plans to: develop a social media advertising plan; pilot-test various platforms, messages, and calls to action to determine the most effective ways to accelerate the number of parents using the tools; and form a parent advisory group.